Luxury LivingDiscover the Exceptional Amenities at Cornerstone Builders Frequently Asked QuestionsFind answers to commonly asked questions about our products and services. What is the Average cost per Square Foot? Do you Build In my Location?The furthest we go to build is about an hour radius from Terre Haute. Contact us if you are unsure! How long does a New construction take to finish?We have averaged our new builds typically finish from eight months to a year to fully complete. Can I do part of the work?No. We at Cornerstone Builders have high standards and want to ensure the highest quality product we can provide! Crafting Your Vision From design to construction, we bring your dream project to life with expertise and passion New ConstructionPartner with us to turn your dream space into reality with our expert design and construction services Get Started RenovationRevitalize your space with our professional renovation services, tailored to your style and needs Get Started